Vote by mail ballot due

Your vote by mail ballot is due by Tuesday, March 12th at 7 pm. If you have not mailed your ballot back, you can still vote.

  1. Bring your ballot to your polling location on Tuesday, March 12th and vote in person. Find where you vote here:
  2. Request a Keith James for Mayor volunteer pick up your signed, dated and sealed ballot and deliver to the Elections Office for you. Email us back or call 561.284.9891.
  3. The elections office is located at 240 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach if you would like to deliver your ballot personally.

Make your vote count. Vote Keith James for Mayor.

Election Headquarters
Keith James For Mayor

LATEST: Keith’s Plan for our Northend Neighborhoods

Since I filed to run for Mayor, over 18 months ago, I have made it my mission to make sure government was working better for our neighborhoods and our residents. I have hosted neighborhood meetings in nearly every part of our city and learned the issues that our residents care about. That’s why I launched my Neighborhoods First Initiative.  I am excited to report that since this launch, over 500 residents have joined my Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Group.

Last week, I released my plan for our southend neighborhoods.

Today, I am excited to release my plan for our northend neighborhoods.

I am the only candidate who has released detailed plans for our city – from our neighborhoods, to homelessness to reducing taxes – I am the most prepared to serve as Mayor.

I am asking for your vote for Mayor on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 so I can keep working for you.

A Plan for the Northend of West Palm Beach

Keith James has a plan to make the Northend of West Palm Beach a priority so that we can solve crime, homeless issues, traffic concerns and make it the gateway of the north into West Palm Beach.

Keith’s Northend Priorities

  • The Anchor Site
  • Currie Park
  • Mayor’s Village Initiative
  • Broadway Corridor Investment
  • Market the Northend
  • Oversee Northend Capital Improvement Projects
  • Address Absentee Landlord Issues
  • Move Purpose Built Communities Forward
  • Protect our Parks & Open Spaces
  • Proper Code Enforcement
  • Prioritize Community Policing
  • Connect our Neighborhoods Utilizing our City Trolleys
  • Work with our Local Schools
  • Quarterly Meetings Hosted in the Northend
  • Engage with the Community

The Anchor Site

This site is a game changer for the northend and will provide an economic boost to the community and the density needed to keep people on the streets and in our shops, restaurants and retailers along Northwood.  The project should better connect Northwood Road and the surrounding neighborhoods.  Keith will push to get the project off the ground quickly.
Complete Neighborhood and Capital Improvement Projects

There are over 35 projects valued at over $52 million in the works in the northend as part of the 1 Penny Sales Tax, bonds and other funding sources. These projects are going towards northend parks and recreation, transportation, traffic and pedestrian safety, and infrastructure such as utilities and other critical needs. Keith will make sure these projects get completed and residents are communicated to about the status of the projects.

Prioritize the Mayor’s Village Initiative

The Mayor’s Village Initiative will continue to be a priority. Based on 5 Pillars, the program is focused on preventing and reducing youth violence and improving the lives of young African American males in the historic Northwest, Coleman Park and Pleasant City neighborhoods. On the Commission, Keith supported this program and will continue to build on its success as Mayor.

Invest Into the Broadway Corridor

Revitalize the Broadway Corridor through economic development incentives and rezoning that attracts businesses, retailers and mixed-use opportunities to locate along the corridor.  Keith understands the economic engine the Port of Palm Beach, Rybovich Marina and the marine and tourism industry can have along this corridor. Keith wants to capitalize on the growing need of the business and leisure market and the impact it can have in the northend of our city.  Keith is committed to reviewing how we can expedite permits for businesses looking to move into the northend CRA and how incentives can be used to support local businesses in helping clean up their façade or building to attract tenants and customers.

Protect Our Neighborhoods

Keith is focused on proper code compliance, identify ways to ensure code violations are paid and that routine violators are motivated to clean up their violations or pay the fines. Keith wants to fix the current system so that those who violate code do pay their fines and residents and neighbors don’t suffer due to violations going unpaid or properties not maintained. Keith supports a program that encourages landlords who don’t live locally to properly maintain their property through annual inspections or reviews. Keith supports the idea of hosting the Mayor’s Northend Meeting in the northend neighborhoods quarterly instead of at City Hall.  With a rich and full history, Keith is committed to protecting the character and charm of each of the northends historical neighborhoods.

Neighborhoods First Initiative

Keith has launched a Neighborhoods First Initiative and a Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Group to provide information, share ideas and collaborate together on local issues.  Residents will have a direct link to the Mayor’s office to get regular communications and have input on neighborhood priorities. This is another opportunity for residents and neighborhoods to have their issues heard and listened to.

Safety in our Neighborhoods, Parks and Streets

Keith has spoken to our police chief and supports her work in the community. Keith is focused on more community policing and looking at how technology can make our neighborhoods safer. Keith has a Homeless Action Plan that will put in place community ambassadors to check on the homeless and get them the resources they need while enforcing existing laws that protect our quality of life.  Keith will review our city parks to make sure there is proper lighting, that bathrooms are safe and secure and parks are clean.

Purpose Built Communities

Keith supports the idea behind this public-private partnership for the city. Keith will work with community partners, other agencies and the private sector to help ensure the pilot program is successful. Keith will review the amount of city investment needed and where those funds can come from to ensure the community benefits.


Keith is focused on how the CRA can work to remove blight in the community. More direct city control of the CRA is needed, but Keith wants to make sure existing projects the CRA is working on are not slowed down, stalled or halted.  The city can also do a better job of marketing what the CRA does for the community so residents understand what they are getting and how they can be strong partners in the process.