Historic Day for WPB


Have you heard the great news? 

Wednesday, June 13th, the City and the Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District reached an agreement that will protect our most vital environmental resource – Grassy Waters Preserve.

Since joining the City Commission in 2011, I have been at the forefront fighting the expansion of State Road 7 for the City of West Palm Beach, our residents, and our future generations.  Because of this agreement, SR7 cannot be extended into or along the Grassy Waters Preserve, therefore protecting our city’s vital water supply.

I would like to thank our Mayor, Jeri Muoio, who has been fighting this issue for over a decade, while creating a lasting legacy that will benefit our future. Without her leadership, this hurdle would have been difficult to overcome.

I would also like to thank Sal Faso, President of the North County Neighborhood Coalition and a true West Palm Beach community leader who helped spearhead the movement. Sal had the foresight to understand our environment is worth protecting and fighting for.

Last, I would like to thank the hundreds of residents who sent letters, attended meetings and worked hard to protect our water.

Perseverance and hard work shows that when we work together as a city and a community, great things happen in West Palm Beach.

Please take a moment to listen to my take on Wednesday’s historic commission meeting on this week’s The Breakdown.


Keith James

City Commissioner – District 4

Candidate for Mayor

The Breakdown